Wednesday, 7 December 2011

things I like

Having the windows on my computer screen organized
New words-- storm-broken
Christmas music, but not Christmas presents
Christmas cards and secrets
subtlety and story
highlighter eraser
there in the dark
I'll ride you like an ark
the port is in sight
thinking in French,
but only for grammar or maths

Monday, 5 December 2011

pearls of tears

The stories are sad,
nearly all of them,
they string my tears together
like a rope of pearls.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

stringing Irish pearls II

As I work on various final projects it helps to keep a stream of distractions going...
so back to Emmanuel
and on to Anne Enright
cat on the bed on the papers
hold her ear
I need to drink more water
being a Christian is not individual--
it's being Christ
here, have your own paper...purr
snow is coming!
snow is coming!
I'm so excited!
I'm not a historian -
I'm a storyteller.
a tired storyteller

Saturday, 3 December 2011

stringing Irish pearls

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!
grey skies
Maria--like pariah
age of Enlightenment
lunar society
mmmm melon!
tea and cookies
expense reports and accountability
Jonah and the whale and cultural identity
too in depth!
way too in depth...
I <3 google maps
rearranging room
seeing the moon
Christmas music
streams of mercy
never ceasing
call for loudest songs of praise
straight not strait
punctuation . . .
registration . . .
tune my heart to sing Thy praise
on Christmas Day?
Enniskillen sound gallery!
Partition and the Pogues
Remembrance Day Bomb
place specific
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice
Emmanuel has come
to ransom captive Israel
itchy ear! itchy ear!
gray text?! what?
night one--done